Dermal Fillers (Restylane®, Perlane®, Radiesse®, Belotero®)

A soft, pliable substance can be injected directly into lines and wrinkles to diminish their appearance. These agents are also used to augment lips and cheeks, add volume to hollowed out surfaces and correct scars. The newer substances are derived from non-animal sources and require no pre-testing for an allergic reaction. These fillers last on average 6 to 12 months. Some common treatment areas are the lines around the mouth, perioral lines or “marionette lines”, the nasolabial folds (lines from the corner of the nose to the corner of the mouth), “tear trough (beneath eyes), hand rejuvenation and lips. Other areas that benefit from treatment include old acne or chicken pox scars, and the crease between the eyebrows.

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Fraxel uses fractional technology to target damaged skin with microscopic laser columns that penetrate into the skin. The laser only treats the damaged skin, leaving the rest of the skin untouched and allows a much easier healing process. Fraxel effectively treats wrinkles, brown spots, acne and surgical scars, and pre-cancerous lesions.  

After just one Fraxel treatment, you will generally see results. However, optimal results are usually reached after 3 to 6 months of treatments, although this number varies for different patients. Results are long lasting, leaving your skin feeling softer and smoother permanently.

Fraxel is a safe option backed by extensive medical research. People may experience redness or swelling after the procedure; however serious side effects are rare.

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Botox Cosmetic®

Botox is a medically approved, purified protein that can cause temporary relaxation of targeted muscles. Among the most common areas treated include the “crow’s feet” around the eyes, the “worry wrinkles” on the forehead, and the central forehead “glabellar” crease between the eyebrows.

The results of Botox are usually noticed within 5-7 days of the treatment. The duration of effect averages 4 months. The injections themselves are likened to “minor bee stings” and usually well-tolerated by even the most sensitive patients. The “downtime,” or time to recover following treatment is minimal- people can return to work immediately following their appointment.

Botox is not appropriate for someone who is pregnant, breastfeeding or diagnosed with a disease affecting the neuromuscular system.

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Treatment for Facial Veins

Laser treatment for facial veins has proven to be a very effective, and safe mode of therapy. By using a laser that can selectively target the blood vessels, the veins can be removed without causing damage to the overlying skin. It is not uncommon for more than one treatment to be required to completely eradicate individual vessels, and diminish diffuse facial blushing. The “downtime” following the procedure is usually minimal.

Treatment for Facial Veins

Treatment for Facial Veins



Sclerotherapy/ Treatment of Leg Veins

This technique involves the injection of a medicinal solution into the vessels of concern, creating irritation of the vessel lining which subsequently leads to their destruction. Once the vessel has been adequately treated, it is in effect metabolized by the body, a process that may take several weeks to months to be fully apparent. Immediately following the injections, patients may notice some bruising of the treated site. It is recommended that support hose be worn and that exercise of the lower legs be avoided for the following 2 weeks. Adverse effects are rare, but can include ulceration of the injection site, an increase in the number of smaller surrounding vessels, and scarring.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are divided into 3 different categories based on their level of penetration. Superficial peels are an excellent choice for active acne, discoloration, fine wrinkles, and very superficial scarring- removing minor blemishes but making major appearance differences. These peels have been nicknamed “lunch time peels” because they are easily completed in the 30 to 60 minutes allotted for lunch, and there is virtually no downtime, enabling clients to return immediately to work. Because of the superficial nature of these peels a series of 6 is usually recommend, and performed at 2 week intervals.

Medium depth peels are more invasive and frequently used for people with more significant sun damage or acne scarring. There is often a pre-treatment at-home regimen that is prescribed 2-4 weeks prior to this type of chemical peel. The period of peeling that follows may require some “downtime”- typically 7-10 days. The results are more dramatic than the superficial peels in smoothing the texture of the skin, eliminating wrinkles, and evening out skin tone. One to 2 medium depth peels a year are all that most people require.

Deep peels are no longer in common use, because of the increased risk of facial scarring, and even general health risks. For those requiring effects beyond what a medium depth peel can accomplish, alternatives such as laser resurfacing are safer.

Laser Hair Removal

The ClearScan™ is a laser that achieves permanent hair reduction by selectively targeting the pigment within the hair follicle. This system uses a glass cooling plate to protect the skin from becoming damaged (or discolored) and keeps the procedure comfortable. It also relies on a computerized scanner to lay down evenly spaced “laser spots,” and practically eliminates the problem of “skipping” areas during the treatment session. Several treatments are required to achieve permanent reduction in hair growth and density. The number and time interval for these treatments will depend on what area of the body is treated.

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